/, Nezaradené/Is winter additive worth it adding to diesel and gasoline?

Is winter additive worth it adding
to diesel and gasoline?
What are their benefits?

The winter season is difficult for all vehicle components. The entire fuel system and the engine itself are also affected. If you want to ensure that the individual parts do not wear excessively and that your car works at 100% even on the coldest days, you should pay special care to it. And this is where the winter additive for diesel and gasoline comes into play, which brings several valuable advantages. Why should you use it too?


Why dosing additives into fuel?

Modern internal combustion engines must meet very strict emission standards. Therefore, all processes in them run precisely to the hundredth of a second, individual parts have only minimal dimensional tolerances, and any imperfection can significantly affect the course of combustion. For this reason, it is inevitable to refuel with high-quality fuel.

Although today’s fuels for internal combustion engines meet strict legal requirements and are generally of high quality, this does not mean that they cannot be of even higher quality. Due to the fact that they contain a relatively large proportion of bio-components, they can contribute to faster clogging of engine components with deposits. Well, deposits can cause serious problems long term.


Simple increase in the quality of gasoline or diesel

The use of additives is very simple – when refueling, just add the amount recommended by the manufacturer in to the fuel tank. Individual components will contribute to the fact that gasoline or diesel will have an overall higher quality. Your engine will thus work at 100% even if the outside temperature falls below -10 °C.

Standard fuel with an added additive can in many respects match the quality of expensive premium fuels. From a financial point of view, it is more worthwhile to add additives to conventional fuel than to refuel with expensive premium diesel or gasoline.


Winter diesel additive and its benefits

Diesel additives have several benefits. First of all, they clean the entire fuel system and reduce the risk of deposits. In addition, they lubricate individual components, prevent the formation of corrosion, help eliminate water in fuel and reduce consumption. In addition, they contribute to the fact that diesel does not solidify at low temperatures.

In our offer, you can find the winter diesel additive DYNAMAX ALL-SEASON DIESEL ADDITIVE 500 ML 1:1000, which prevents the formation of paraffin crystals in diesel up to an outside temperature of up to -25 °C. Among other things, it also contributes to better cold starts.

Remember: Diesel additive helps regenerate the particulate filter, extending its life.


Gasoline additive

Gasoline itself is more resistant to low temperatures than diesel, and does not tend to freeze. Water condensation is the biggest threat to gasoline engines in the winter. With modern gasolines with a high proportion of bio-components, microcrystals of ice are formed, which cause excessive corrosion to the metal parts of fuel system. Condensation of water occurs mainly when driving short distances.

Among the biggest advantages of gasoline additives is the fact that they prevent the formation of ice crystals down to -25 °C. They suppress the negative impact of bio-components, contribute to better cold starts, keep the injection nozzles clean and most importantly, they also reduce fuel consumption. For gasoline engines, we recommend, for example, DYNAMAX WINTER PETROL ADDITIVE 300 ML during winter period.

Final tip: Winter additives for diesel or gasoline are suitable for both new and older vehicles. You can’t go wrong by adding it to the fuel. Its benefits are most apparent with long-term use, so consider adding them to your fuel not only during winter, but also in summer.


Is it really worth it?

The number of advantages, ease of use and clear savings on the higher price of quality fuel that can compete with more expensive premium fuels will certainly impress. Fuel price calculation is the answer for all those who want to give their four-wheeled pet maximum care and quality at a reasonable price.

Calculation sample

*Sample calculation reflects the average price of fuel per unit/liter of fuel
*The sample calculation refers to the recalculation of the price of DYNAMAX additives in retail price with VAT as of 20/11/2023
