Specifications: FM SAFETY STANDARD 116 DOT4, SAE J 1703, ISO 4925, VW TL 766   Brake fluid for hydraulic brake systems of motor vehicles is designed to be operated in the temperature range -50 ° C up to 260 ° C. The product of high quality ensures safe and precise braking, does not harm the rubber and metal, is designed for disc and drum brakes. It has good thermal stability, excellent protection from corrosion of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Miscible with brake fluids, which conform to standards ISO 4925, SAE J 1703 FM VSS 571-116 DOT 3 and DOT 4, VW TL 766, that means with brake fluids of the same specifications. Pure liquid with a hint of yellow color and pungent aroma. It is used undiluted.   SDS-DX DOT 4 CLP2017 TDS-DOT 4

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